How does a solar system affect my roof integrity?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 How

At WATTZ our design & installations follow industry best practices, your roof is in absolute safe hands.


Can I install solar panels myself?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 More

It is not recommended. The process requires both licensed electrical & roofing skills to ensure the solar power system is safe & optimally designed for[...]


I don’t plan on being in my home for 25 years. Why would I add solar?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 More

People move more frequently now than ever before, but that shouldn't impact your solar decision. A solar system can save you money today & even[...]


Do I get paid for my extra energy production?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 More

Currently, Dubai is under a system known as Net Metering, which allows your net electricity costs to be reduced to zero, but no further. In[...]


Can my electric bill really be AED0.00?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 More

Some solar systems produce more electricity than is used each month, bringing net electricity costs to AED0.00. However, there is still a minimal connection fee[...]


How much will I save with a solar system?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 How

Your current monthly energy use & the size of your system will determine your actual savings amount. And with little or no startup costs, systems[...]


How long will a solar system last?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 How

Our systems are designed to have a useful life of 20 years or more.


How does shade affect a solar system’s performance?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 How

It’s important to minimize shading because solar panels operate at optimal output when their entire surface is fully exposed to direct sunlight. The system will[...]


How do home solar systems work?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 How

A photovoltaic (PV) solar energy system is composed of solar panels, racking for mounting the panels on the roof, electrical wiring, & an inverter. From[...]


Is having solar panels a luxury?

Wattz Energy July 5, 2017 More

Some think that going solar is a luxury they cannot afford. This is far from the truth. Solar is being embraced in the modern age[...]

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