A Farmers Guide To Solar System Installation

Electricity is one of the crucial expenses for any kind of farm. If you are a farmer owning farmland then you are not strange to surfeit inevitable expenses that take to keep things running.so, Wattz provides the best assistance in the solar system installation for farmers

With a solar system installed on your farm, you can produce an ample amount of electricity and power your farm for free of cost. But how do solar panels affect your farm operations, animals, and crops? Are there any short-term and long-term implications for installing solar? Do solar benefits overweight the disadvantages? You can find answers to everything in this blog. Read on to learn more.

Here are 5 common questions every farm owner asks for

1. How Much Farmland Do The Solar Panels Occupy?

The total amount of farmland your solar PV systems occupy depends upon the area and the size of the solar system you install.

Two main types of solar PV systems are present

  • Roof-mounted solar panels

The roof-mounted solar panels are less expensive and can be installed on the roof of the buildings around the farm. These roof-mounted solar panels do not take up any space on your farmland when you install them. However, you will be limited by the shade of the roof and nearby tree shading.

  • Ground-mounted solar panels

The ground-mounted solar systems will require a large amount of land to install but it depends on how large a solar system you need on your farm.
Most likely you won’t need several acres of land covered with the massive solar system if you are looking for electricity to offset your farm.

2. Will Solar Panels Contaminate The Soil?

Many farmers agitate that the solar system installation can cause soil to contaminate. Whether you are a dairy farmer, raise livestock, or grow acres and acres of land with crops the productivity of your farmland depends on the loam soil. The solar energy panels do not cause contamination to the soil rather they give your farm a financial edge in increasing productivity by saving the electric bills.

Silicon is one of the most abundant elements found on the earth’s crust and it plays a natural role in the growth of crops. Solar panels installed by Wattz are made up of silicone that does not cause harm to the soil.

The metals used in the frames of solar panels are made up of aluminum and they are used in holding the panels together. These aluminum frames are completely safe and your plants won’t absorb aluminum from the ground unless the soil is more acidic.

3. Can I Farm My Land Once I Uninstall The Solar Panels?

Yes, you can! Every solar panel has a certain amount of life span, and you will have to remove them once they have completed their shelf life. Most of the Quality panels come around 25 to 30 years. And if you decide to install a new solar system by replacing the old used ones, you can simply uninstall your ground mount. Once the wires and posts are removed you can start farming the area again.

4. Is It Safe To Grow Crops Under Solar Panels?

Solar panels placed under crops are especially beneficial depending on the height of the ground mounts you install.

Solar panels do not get warm up and cause dryness to the soil or crops that are present underneath or around them. The solar panels keep the crops cool and maintain the temperature around the area. Studies have shown that the aggregate temperatures with the solar panels are the same as they would be in full sunlight, and it does not cause any effect on the growth rate of crops.

A study was conducted on crops grown under the shade of bright magenta panels and the normal sunlight. It was found in the study that 20% of the crop production was better compared to those grown in the sunlight. They also required less water and other open-up options for profit.

Another best method to grow your crops under solar panels is performing native vegetation. When you perform vegetation to the crops that are under the solar PV panels it will help the plants in pollination. The native vegetation makes the crops look beautiful and elegant while attracting butterflies and bees that will help pollinate your crops and increase productivity.

5. Do Solar Panels Cause Any Harm To The Animals?

Solar systems do emit any harmful chemicals or radiation. They do not cause any immediate harm to animals. However, there might be chances that domestic animals might chew on wires and scribble them. This might expose the animals to the threat of electric shock.

Cattle such as cows and buffalos can harm the solar panels by hitting them. Some animals such as monkeys and goats could climb on the solar panels. This will not pose a huge threat to the animals but it will reduce the efficiency of solar panels due to the sustained heavy impact.

You can solve this by installing metal ties and sheathing to protect the cables against the animals.


These are some of the guidelines that can help farmers render doubts about solar system installation for their farms.

Are you thinking to install a solar system for your farmland? Contact Wattz today! We are one of the leading solar panel installers in the UAE providing solar power panels for homes.

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