Tips to Choose the Right Solar panel Installers in Dubai

Now that you know the importance of solar energy and love to green-up your life, then you should be wise in choosing the best solar panel installers for your home. Because solar panel installation requires extensive know-how and thorough knowledge of a home electrical system, you must pick only the right professional solar panel installers. Here are a few things to consider before you go solar.

Choose a locally owned and run company

When you choose a local solar panel installer in Dubai, you will have them whenever needed. As the local companies are experts in the local setup and electrical connectivity, they will help you get customized designs. Those designs are based on your energy needs, types and roof layout, available space, and investment goals. As they follow the DEWA guidelines, they know different permits and local building code standards. They will work for you and help you get clearance from local permitting offices and inspectors. Also, make the installation process go smoothly, avoiding potential hold-ups resulted from changes in local codes or utility requirements.

Get several quotes

Call up several companies offering solar panel installation in your area and ask each for a quote and use these quoted figures to help yourself make the best choice for your home as well as your pocketbook. Prices can vary from company to company, but make sure that you do not comprise the quality of work and the quality of solar panels installed. Since it is one of the biggest investments you make for a better living.

Remember that cheapest isn’t always best so don’t allow this monetary element to be the sole deciding factor for you.

Ask for References

Don’t hesitate to ask questions or ask for references from the solar installation companies. Try to get references from the company itself, as they can share details about the finished projects. Contact homeowners and businesses who have had the project done from the one you choose to go with and ask how their experience was with the installers. This kind of approach can help you save a substantial amount of money that would be lost if you had selected the wrong installer, particularly if your installation job is a large one.

Check for license

While there is no specific license for solar panel installers, reputable installers should possess electrician’s licenses and qualified technicians. To fix the solar panels up to your home power grid, your installer should have a thorough understanding of electrical systems. That which an unqualified or unlicensed technician may not have. And remember that, if you are selecting an unlicensed contractor, you are likely to break the law. As per Government guidelines, all the solar panel installers are legally mandated to hold licenses. If you select an unlicensed solar panel installer you are also risking damage to your home’s electrical system, something that could be quite costly to repair.

Assess knowledge

Determine how much knowledge your solar panel installer possesses relating to solar energy. You can ask a few questions. If the individual possesses decent experience, he will be able to answer them. The more knowledge they have the more likely you’ll be to get a high-quality installation. They also provide you the tips and ideas on choosing the right products for your needs, maintenance tips. As well as provide information on how to get maximum efficiency from your new solar energy setup.

Check for Warranties

Warranty is an important aspect to be considered while choosing a home solar system. While most solar panels run for decades with no issues, yet it is important to have a solid warranty in case something does happen. One has to know the type of warranty you are offered at the time of purchase. The best choice for a home solar warranty is a comprehensive warranty that covers all the major components of the solar system for 20-plus years, and does provide protection for all the parts and equipment. An all-inclusive home solar warranty should ideally offer a full repair or total replacement coverage for panels, inverter, all wiring, and connections. Look for a company that offers an all-inclusive warranty and promises maximum efficiency from the solar panels for over two decades.

Have got a project in your mind? Wattz, the leading solar panel installers in Dubai can help you connect with the sun. We provide the best advice on the best solution for the solar PV system in compliance with DEWA’s (Dubai Electricity & Water Authority) standards and help you be a part of Shams Dubai today.

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